Monday, November 21, 2011

RTF Editor ( CKEditor ) Spellcheck

CKEditor is the RTF editor that comes with PeopleTools. If you check out the editor at its web site, it has a nice spell check built in. But PeopleSoft seems to have disabled it so we use their PeopleTools spell check. Our customers don't care for the PeopleTools spell check.

We've gone through how to turn on the spell check at the CKEditor web site, but it doesn't work in PeopleSoft. We can turn on other tool bar settings, but not the spell check.  To auto-start the SCAYT(Spell Check As You Type), you edit its configPsft.js and in the following line change the false to true:
     CKEDITOR.config.scayt_autoStartup = false;

The CKEDITOR.config.scayt_autoStartup suggestion worked if you are using Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer. Our users need to use IE. Other browsers are not supported by our Desktop group, and the users don't have the permissions to install software. Not only does it not auto-start in IE -- the spellcheck does not work at all.  But using the demo at the CKEdit site, SCAYT works just fine in both IE and Firefox.  Oracle has locked it in some way that we can't unlock.

Let me know in the comments if you have found a fix or workaround for this issue.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, were you able to figure out how to get the spell checker working on IE. We upgraded to 8.51 and want to use ckeditor spell checker as peoplesoft delivered does notr work correctly.
